The General Administration( Administrative Reforms) Department, Government of Odisha through its reform programme CMGI have developed HRMS. It is a comprehensive web application for Government employees of all Departments across the State. Each employee can access HRMS through internet by browsing All human resources management activities will be transacted electronically through internet, so as to provide timely disposal of HR issues of the employees and incentivize them to perform efficiently. HRMS in collaboration with Orissa Treasury Management System (OTMS) will accurately manage projects, accounts, and monitor revenue expenditure and enable efficient utilization of government resources.
The number of litigation against Government has been growing at a fast pace in recent times. There is said to be more than one lakh cases against the Government in different Departments. In the present system, these cases are dealt with in different branches of the Government Departments in files by the Assistants manually. Owing to its large number, it has become difficult to prepare and submit a proper reply to the Courts in regard to the petitions filed by the private parties. Many times delays occur in the submission of reply by the Departments to the Court. Sometimes the notices regarding the institution of cases are received quite late. The reply to the petitions submitted by the Departments are sometimes not submitted to the Courts on time. These deficiencies in the present litigation management system has invited adverse remarks from the Courts and has led to passing of adverse orders against the Government. It is necessary to devise a system to make the management of the litigation against the Government more effective. It is therefore proposed to adopt a web enabled computerized litigation management system called the ONLINE LEGAL CASELOAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (OLCMS) that will establish a network between the offices of the different Departments, HODs and district offices on the one hand and the office of the Advocate General, Government Advocates, on the other hand. KEY OBJECTIVES OF LMS: To develop a decision support system for litigation management. To develop a database of all cases against the Government pending in the Courts. To monitor the status of cases. To facilitate interaction between Government Departments and Government Advocates. To track all important events in respect of a case such as communication of notice of the case, assignment of Government Advocates, submission of draft reply, revision of the reply by Government Advocate, filing of reply in the Court, adjournments, interim orders, judgment compliance, appeal etc.
Conversion, Mutation and Mortgage permission(NOC) of residential leasehold plot under General Administration & Public Grievance Department within Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation area. In order to simplify the previous procedure of conversion, Mutation and grant of Mortgage permission on residential lease hold plots, this Deptt. have developed and adapted many techniques and methods in its internal systems. The constant endeavor of this Deptt. have resulted in forming a public and official friendly environment to dispose the pending applications smoothly and quickly. The website has been inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister to provide service through online. The right to Public Service Act 2012 has been enacted by the govt. to deliver Public Services to the citizens within a given time limit.
Odisha Right to Public Services Act, 2012 in Odisha is an exemplary initiative by the State Government to check corruption in public service delivery. The law enables the citizens to demand public services as a right and also includes a provision for penal action against officials failing to provide the services within the stipulated time. The idea is to generate a demand for services, and to provide citizens with a platform for getting their grievances redressed in a time bound manner.
As per Rule 20 of ORTPSA, 2012, a Central Monitoring System has been developed by CMGI to monitor the Service Delivery under various provisions of this Act.Dashboard in CMS for Designated Officers shows the details of applications received both online and offline, Disposed and pendency.Dashboard for District and Department shows details of applications received both online and offline, Disposed and pendency. .MIS Reports generated Service wise, Office Wise and District wise.